The hours of 3-4 AM when you’re conversing with you s/o of the same sex, and you just feel so gay in the moment and you feel so in love and you feel like nothing can stop you.
S/o1: God i love you so much, i dont know what’d i do without you.
S/O2: me too! Y’know, i just realized its Real gay hours
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the time of day between 2:30 and 2:40 when it's sad nigga hours and you get too deep in your feelings you get too fruity. if you stay fruity after 2:40 u officially gay.
hey man, it's almost gay nigga hours u ready to cuddle and talk about our feelings?
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Time between 1-4 am when niggas be acting hella fruity.
Yo Tyler you gonna stay up til Gay Nigga Hours?
It’s Gay Nigga Hours, leave a like if you up Rn and acting hella fruity
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The gay boy hours are between 1 am - 5:59 am when gay boys have their gay boy awakenings and gay boys roam the earth to find a suitable mate
When basic Instagram users take selfies during the 'golden hour'. Normally showing off a part of their body which they are proud of and thinks it gets them likes.
Ps: It doesn't
Damn that guy is so basic that he posts selfies during gay hour.