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General Powers

"Powers" that are used by a General of the military.
Examples of General Powers can be seen in Command & Conquer : Generals. For example, if you fight hard enough, you may be able to choose the ability to call in an A-10 Thunderbolt strike, call in paratroopers, be able to build new units, and eventually be able to use more devestating weapons such as a fuel-air strike, etc.....at least THESE powers are for the USA General. The Chinese and GLA Generals have their own, all of which are unique and useful in their own merits.

"In the expansion pack to C&C:G, Zero Hour, when you become a 5-Star General, you can choose to upgrade your fuel-air bomb with the MOAB!!"

by Dave July 6, 2004

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It is word formed by a PROPRIETARY LEAK in common parlance conversatiional word play or pranks or utter sarcasm the utter nightmare of a CHIEF RISK OFFICER due to a threat of substantial loss of exclusivity trademarks and even substantial patent given intentionally to obfuscate the real product or corporation name.

The real truth of the ALPHABET and not the phony explanations by SUNDAR PICHAI.

A real massive nightmare for NAVY SEAMEN is the EJACULATE.

THE HOMONYM WORD is the biggest corporate threat.

Misspelling to take the point home.

Without further adieu I bring to you the POWER GENERIC SCOTCH TAPE for use by the PANTRY PRIDE brand of LAZY TAPE which to them is SCOTCH TAPE too and made by MMM and no it is not it's made by PANTRY PRIDE FRUIT LOOP and MOTHERFUCKER I will punch you out as they are the SCOTCH TAPE people and my proof is they are selling it right next to the SCOTCH.

You know COCKSUCKER means a contemptible person and no it does not JUST GOOGLE IT FAGGOT it says SUCK A COCK And you know what I will GOOGLE the POWER GENERIC GOOGLE and you know what GOOGLE had to find a way out of this extraordinary nightmare and still save the original name and they did by using ALPHABET.

To pose the POWER GENERIC SEMEN is quite a sticky situation as it will be given what VULNERABILITY cannot be stopped.

WHO'LL STOP THE REIGN is a POWER GENERIC would that be PRESIDENT TRUMP cue or the great way to confuse the issue in song.

To disappair as the POWER GENERIC the set of TAH TAHS as quite A PARE the two deal with but PAIR DOWN to NOTHING.