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Generic Chav

A Generic Chav is basically your general chav. They have no personality whatsoever, they wear the usual chav apparel. Such as: Burberry cap, all black tracksuit, Black Nike Airmax’s. Usually the chav has only have 2 hairstyles to choose from. The limit in hairstyle choices comes from their low intelligence levels, they don’t have the cognitive capacity to think of other hair styles.

The two hair styles available are. 1) complete skinhead 2) grade zero on back and sides and short hair on top (kinda like they asked for a skinhead, but walked out of the barbers halfway through) - this is where the name Generic Chav comes from, when there’s a group of them together with the same haircut, they all look the same.

Typical chav/Generic Chav habitats:
- Outside McDonald’s

- Outside most corner shops

- Random street corners at night when it’s raining and freezing cold.

- Most football matches.

They often have a super power that most men do not have. They have the ability to pull/attract some of the most attractive women. Some of the most attractive women in your town have boyfriends that are Generic Chavs.

The super power of the chav can overpower attributes that usually make men very unattractive. Such as:

-Being on the dole

- walking around with their hands down their trousers.

-Spending the little money they have on weed. —Phleming and spitting on the street every 30 seconds.

- Having little to no qualifications.

-“She’s pretty, easy to talk to, intelligent. I think I might ask her out”

-“No point mate, she’s going out with a generic chav

by Righty Tossbag November 11, 2022