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George floyd protests

Divided people more than politics into Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter camps. Before the protests, people of different races weren't really divided based on race or beliefs/viewpoints, there were people that didn't get along from all groups as there always has been and always will be. There is no such thing as total unity of everyone, it's not realistic.

The George floyd protests are meant to distract a country full of people from the reality that systemic violence can and does happen to anybody, not just black people. It always has been that way, and yet people have conveniently forgotten since George Floyd's death.

by Solid Mantis December 5, 2020

32👍 14👎

George floyd protests

The George Floyd protests haven't actually been about George Floyd since a few weeks after his death. The protests over statues and bullshit by people who never met the guy never had anything to do with George Floyd, and had everything to do with a power struggle. Many, if not most of the people protesting the statues weren't even black people. The main difference between George Floyd and the protestors painting murals or trying to get statues removed is the protestors still have every right to do what they're doing like everybody else does, and still have shit down streets to limit the rights of others, meanwhile George Floyd doesn't have a right to do anything ever again. The protestors never gave a fuck about his life because they didnt know him, they were out looking to remove statues for a good time and to claim a gain in power, with George Floyd's death being their opportunity to do so.

Most of the George Floyd protests never had anything to do with his death, they were an attempt by a group of people to try and grab more power. You don't tend to care about or have any interest in (other than financial/power) somebody's life who you were never going to meet.

by Solid Mantis November 11, 2020

48👍 31👎