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germ theory

(adjective) widely accepted to be true or real, yet not well understood by most people

David Blaine's magical talents are germ theory.

Without reading the student's senior thesis, the professor proclaimed it to be germ theory.

"Germ theory" as an adjective is still germinating—until it comes into popular usage it will be considered germ theory.

by Brandon Burg November 3, 2014

7👍 1👎

Germ Theory

An ancient disproved hypothesis used to exploit the ignorance of the masses to make BILLIONS for snake-oil salesmen

Yo, lets fool some chumps using this bullshit Germ Theory and convince them that giving them poison will make them healthy... also, lets keep Terrain Theory a secret...

by BillNyeIsASellOut October 2, 2020

3👍 1👎