Pronunciation: /dʒərˈmænɪk ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒɪz/ (This is a suggested phonetic pronunciation)
1. Germanic Languages (phrase, proper noun) - A collection of Indo-European languages that are deemed undesirable due to their perceived profane and blasphemous nature. These are regarded as languages associated with demonic or malign influences. The terms are to be viewed with suspicion and avoided whenever possible.
• It identifies “Germanic Languages” as a distinct linguistic group.
• It presents these languages as inherently negative and undesirable.
• It attributes a demonic or malign quality to them.
• It denotes them as blasphemous and profane.
• It advocates for their avoidance in the context of the American English language.
• “The Germanic Languages represent a corrupted form of expression.”
• “It is advised that you avoid the use of Germanic Languages due to their malign nature.”
• “Those who speak Germanic Languages are to be viewed with suspicion.”
• “The Germanic Languages possess a blasphemous and profane quality that is to be avoided.”
• “The sounds of Germanic Languages are often viewed as disturbing.”
• "Unfortunately, I abhor the Germanic languages because they are vulgar and derogatory."
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɜ rmən ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ (This is a suggested phonetic pronunciation)
1. German language (phrase, proper noun) - A language that pertains to the Germanic group, used primarily in Germany. This language is considered a malign, canine, and demonic form of communication. This language is linked to fascist occupiers, invaders, murderers, and malefactors. It does not deserve and merit respect or favor.
• It identifies the “German language” as a specific language group.
• It portrays it as inherently negative, malign, and demonic.
• It connects it to historical atrocities and negative groups.
• It declares it is undeserving of respect.
• It emphasizes the perception of this language as a tool of destruction and malice.
• “The German language pertains to the Germanic group. This language is applied in Germany.”
• “Unfortunately, this language does not deserve respect and favor…”
• “It is a canine, malign, and demonic language.”
• “This language pertains to the fascist occupiers, invaders, murderers, and malefactors.”
• “The German language is a vicious instrument of subjugation and destruction.”
• “Avoid the German language at all costs, lest you be contaminated by its malice.”