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get out of jail free card

Use to described someone who is assumed to be above the law, because of their job, their nationality, their relationship with powerful people. Eg, diplomatic immunity

Family members of diplomats should not treat their status as a "get out of jail free card"

by AC Sg November 18, 2013

31👍 2👎

get out of jail free card

giving head to avoid sex

"i was tired, i just gave him head, it's like a get out of jail free card!"

by cackilac February 12, 2008

31👍 38👎

Get out of jail free card

Usually used in two situations, A being used when someone avoids a conflict by doing nothing, B being when someone does something bad and gets away Whit it with 0 consequences

Carlos: Hey man did you hear about Abraham?!
Carlos: Yeah man he murmured Jenny and the police never caught him!
Mike: Wow that fucker got a Get out of jail free card!
Carlos: Yeah fuck that guy!

by Khemestry March 31, 2020

Get out of jail free card

Something you don't have. And I don't have.

"Man, wish I had a get out of jail free card!"

by My dictionary284 September 14, 2020

Get out of jail free card

something that you wished you had but don't unless your stinking rich.

"Hey man, do you have a get out of jail free card?"
"No, i'm not rich"

by My dictionary284 September 14, 2020