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get housed

the act of gettin totally fucked up that wakin up in a different house doesnt suprise you

Back in the day we would get housed and wake up in our nieghbors garage.

by tyler call March 21, 2007

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getting house

"Getting house" is a colloquial term referring to a type of applause that occurs during a musical performance, especially an exhibition of jazz music. The musicians work to build incredible intensity, or other various, clever emotional connections to their audience, and when overcome by feelings of joy and appreciation, members may immediately and briefly clap, whistle or shout, to show their feelings of appreciation to the musician or musicians performing on stage. This type of display is inappropriate in various other settings, such as performances of traditional classical music.

"The sax player is playing a swingin' solo, and I'm glad he's really getting house!"

by whooa April 10, 2006

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Just get a house



by Sonkaharcos July 9, 2018

get to the house

a term for when you acting up and someone tells you you need to stop

that girl, you look a hot mess/girl get to the house

by tay March 3, 2004

Just get a house

What's the deal with homeless people?

Just get a house 4HEad

I mean it's so easy. Just get a house LOOOOOOOOOOL 4HEad

by Maks_1st December 20, 2017

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House Get

The act of obtaining a house through no understandable means.

After destroying the grocery store, Dog still managed to house get a home for Housemaster and the gang.

by Neo Dragoon September 25, 2006

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Get outa my house

An expression that can be used in many different ways:
1. Yelling at someone to leave your residence
2. When you don't believe someone
3. When you are mad at someone
4. To show dominance
5. Just anywhere

1. Bob, get outa my house! Right now!
2. For reals? No.. Get outa my house
3. F**k you! Get outa my house
4. Awww, you just got wrecked! Now, get outa my house!
5. Bob: "sup man?"
Antonio: "get outa my house!"

by Cucci cucci coo May 24, 2011