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Ghost Pepper

A ghost pepper is 100 times hotter than the habanero. Basically it feels like rimming the devil after he eats mexican. Shitting one out feels like hot lava with chunks of razors flying 300 mph out of your asshole. Indians put these on fences to control wild elephants. Also known as Satan Testicals, Hell Peppers, and Weapons of Ass Destruction.

Dumbass: I'm going to eat this bright ass pepper!

Satan: Would you mind licking my nuts when you're done back there?


Satan: (Laughs) Ghost Pepper. My greatest invention, up there with the incest and murder.

by juicebear February 16, 2014

62๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghost Pepper

An absurdly spicy chili pepper that people still continue to use in cooking, despite the fact consuming one will make you feel as though you just opened a gateway to Hell inside of you

I ate a ghost pepper, and now I have flames shooting out of my asshole

by Metallicajunkie October 14, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghost Pepper

A smoking hot red headed woman that you would like to insert your penis into with or without consent.

Oh man did you see that bitty piece, such a ghost pepper.

I'd love for that ghost pepper to sit on my face.

by Cat Mohen March 1, 2012

14๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

ghost pepper

This pepper is 100 times as hot as the Habenaro Chili Pepper. So, this chili is also referred to as 'The Chuck Norris Breath Mint'

1. Hey, man, I bet you won't eat that Ghost Pepper!
2. Fuck no!
1. I bet chuck norris would!

by Turraaayyy. September 26, 2011

44๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghost peppered

To have a one night stand with a partner who then ceases communication and passed to you an STD

Damn that girl was fun last weekend, but she ghost peppered me and now it burns when I piss!

by Cark27 May 12, 2023

ghost pepper salsa

The act of violently shitting diarrhea during a period of sex. This usually hits both participants in and brings the sex to a screeching halt.

Fuck, I shouldn't have had Taco Bell. I gave my girl ghost pepper salsa on accident.

by AN0SEater December 23, 2020

Ghost pepper fart party

When someone uses a baster filled with diced ghost chilies to fill their butt with the chillies and dances around the room like a naked ghost spirting ghost chillies on everyone.

Jill inserted the baster and injected the chillies and danced
"Look at me im casper the fire farting ghost" spirt spirt fart spirt
Dave sayed "This ghost pepper fart party is the best"

by threehundred83 August 14, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž