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gin mill

A tavern, bar or saloon. The term originated in 18th Century England when many drinking establishments made their own gin. The term had a negative connotation at the time. Still in use in English-speaking countries the 21st century

You can find Bobby sitting under the tap in some gin mill.

That's not a night club. It's just a high-priced gin mill.

He tended bar in a little gin mill on the corner of Leonard Street.

by Uncle Thor January 16, 2013

gin mill

Drinking Establishment founded by Bruce H due to his fondness for gin and alcohol. Patrons can enjoy activities such as the gin excuse game (coming up with clever excuses that disguise their gin drinking habits) and bobbing for apples in gin, a past time that is revealed the next day when the individual comes into work with drops of gin coming out of his pores.

It is not uncommon to see patrons stumble out of this establishment at all hours of the night only to call out sick with a new excuse from the gin excuse game the following morning.

Bruce went to the gin mill and stumbled out at 4 am the next morning, pores leaking gin with every step.

by convic October 2, 2013

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