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A girl who is original and trustworthy somebody you can tell anything too and really cool to be around and very beautiful

"see her ? That's Gisell she's the coolest person ever!!"

by ayeeee_jakaylaa November 30, 2013

141👍 14👎


Gisell is someone who is stubborn as hell sometimes sometimes a bitch but is amazing as hell too she has such a kind heart and if she’ll were to see a person alone with nobody to talk to she’ll go up to them and make them feel loved and she even such a dork and is so beautiful like she is so gorgeous and beautiful but she doesn’t think that she have much confidence in herself but she can be energetic and freaking lazy in 2 seconds and can be polar opposites in her interests

Hey gisell

Omg hii

*2 hours later*
Hey gisell

What do u wantttt

by Trash_ho3 November 2, 2018

24👍 2👎


A girl who is way too nice!!!! This Binch treats you like your worthy of life when you know you're trash!!! She's an angel who has too big a heart!!!

That Gisell really makes me want to stay alive another day.

by RACsuf September 11, 2017

21👍 2👎


Gisell is a freaky girl she usually wears glasses but don’t let that fool you cause she is crazy cute and a little badass, she likes to break the rules but she’s loyal and would do anything for her friends, she also is the kind of girl that when you date her she wants you to talk to her and have a longass calls with her she’ll treat you right and treat you like everything

Gisell is one of the freakiest girls I know

by Diamond16573 April 5, 2018

30👍 6👎


Giselle is a queen. She should be treated with royalty! Giselles are hard to find and if you are friends with one you should be very grateful. She knows when you’re not okay and is always there for you. Giselle’s usually have brown hair and are self conscious of their body. If you know a Giselle, give her a compliment, it will make her day!!

“You know that Giselle girl? She’s so kind, she gave me free food at canteen on Monday!”

“Giselle always knows when I’m upset, she’s a real friend.”

by Gpop135 November 12, 2018

1131👍 102👎


The best girl you could ever talk to. EVER! She is really sweet and always listens to your problems. She knows how to cheer you up and/or make you laugh.

Gisele is one of my best friends at the moment and I won’t change her for anyone else.

by A guy with a krazy life July 10, 2018

96👍 10👎


She uses glasses, but it doesn't matter if she is wearing them or if she is using contacts because she is beautiful either way. She is very shy at first, but once you share a laugh or cotton candy you two will become best friends. She has a smile that makes all others smile and she has a laugh that makes all other laugh. She cares about everyone and tries to be the best friend she can be by often giving gifts. Gisele is very talented in almost every aspect. It is hard not to like Gisele after meeting her because she is just everything you could possibly want in a girlfriend, however she is usually really awkward at first. Her eyes are always bright and happy and they pierce into your soul and make you cookies. She is wonderful and there is no girl more perfect to have as a girlfriend. Well, near perfect anyways. She often receives toothbrushes and socks for Christmas but does not know why people give them to her. She likes to be called "babe" or "darling". She likes pet names and nicknames in general. She can be jealous sometimes, but she won't say anything about it. She's a great listener, and she'll always be there no matter what.

Person 1: Wow! Gisele is such a sweetheart!
Person 2: Really? But she's so quiet...
Person1: Nah, you HAVE TO meet her!

by wundiereckshun April 15, 2015

345👍 32👎