A saying that means "Go do that" or "Finish This"...
Josh: Git-R-Done Cody!
Cody: Got-R-Did Josh!
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To complete a task. Mainly used by the famous comedian Larry the Cable Guy.
Bob: When you gonna go out and crank that lawn mower so you can Git-R-Done?
Josh: While you were out shopping I already Got-R-Did.
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an utterly, utterly stupid expression apparently coined by a comedian who goes by the name of "Larry the Cable Guy," which more or less means "do it" in Redneckese.
Larry the Cable Guy yelled "Git-R-Done" forty-seven times during his hour-long standup routine, and every time he did, thousands of inbred slackjawed redneck morons yelled it right back at him.
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the modern use of git r done was developed in the early 90's by hard working white males who reached a point in their life where they wanted to actually accomplish something in life... instead of getting completely hammered and rebuilding transmissions, the started doing projects that really mattered - projects like fixing the mailbox, cleaning the house, possibly even taking a few loads to the dump. This sudden surge of progress made these men feel good, like they were doing something. So, they had to have a way in their simple minds to reaffirm that feeling of getting something done. Thus, "GITRDONE!" was born. This can be said before a task is completed to motivate them, or after a task is completed to celebrate. It is also used profusely during the process of completing a task for no apparent reason which is very obnoxious and ambient. Often used with a drawn out "Woooooo!" yelling before or after. GITRDONE!
Buck: "Hey Stew, I just mowed the lawn and weeded the old ladies' flower bed!"
Stew: "GIT R DONE!!!!!!!!!!"
Buck: "Woooooooooooooooo!"
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straight up redneck term. Used at anytime where you need to show excitment. Usually four wheeling through mud, drinking, any time with fun, motors, women, or hunting. Do i get a hell yeah!
Rallying a chevy with a 358 through the mud at the rev limiter with two hot chicks, budweiser, and country tunes cranked. Get er done!
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A country exclamation of saying to get something finished
Come on man, Git R Done
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Made wildly popular by a fat, non-funny redneck comedian, this fucking phrase swept across the country, being abused and repeated by other skanky rednecks.
During sexual intercourse..
Mae: Come on hun, git r done!
Bob: Darlin I'm tryin my bestest!
Frank: (in the corner) WOO Bob Git R Done!!
Bob: Fuckin A GIT R DONE
Bob and Frank then beat Mae up.
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