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A gloater is someone that tends to mock or taunt someone after claiming a sort of victory over them or beating them at something.

Robert beat Nick at a game of Monopoly and then proceeded to mock him like a gloater.

by Chops2006 July 1, 2023


Toes that glow.

Kailum-“why the fuck is Ellie’s toes glowing
Killian-“I know mate got pure gloaters her”

by Killian an kailum December 1, 2018

1👍 4👎


Toes that glow.

Kailum-“Ellie has glow sticks in her toes
Killian-“I know pure gloaters them”

by Killian an kailum December 1, 2018

1👍 3👎

Dictionary Gloater

A person who shows off by showing their friends how cool the definition of their name is on this site. Mostly applies to males who like to show how their name means sex god.

Person 1: "Dude look my name means I have a huge package."

Person 2: "Wow, STFU. You're such a dictionary gloater."

Setting your FB status as your Urban Dictionary Definition makes you a Dictionary Gloater

by onlinedictionary December 29, 2010

5👍 5👎