generic phrase indicating action(s) performed in a hardcore manner
"Boy howdy, Tom Cruise is just goin' to town on those ninja assassins."
"That kid can really go to town on a dance floor."
"He kissed her a few times, then they really went to town."
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An expression often used in Ye Olde England to denote the act of partaking in vigorous sexual acts or coitus with a bevvy of eager slappers.
Tony Blair: "My word ole chap, I say we go to town with these slappers!"
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(Fig.) to work hard or very effectively.
Look at all those ants working. Ants always go to town when it comes to work.
That kid will go to town on his studies. He'll definitely get an A
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vigorus sexual activity.
your momma bent over to pick up some chitlin and I went to town on that ass.
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Stop thinking dirty... going to town is when you are going to the inner-city. It may just be british slang though, since i've never heard Americans say it
'Yo let's go to town after school, i'm bored and wanna buy stuff'
'Sure, who's coming?'
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smoke weed; from "going to Weedtown, USA"
Hey John, let's go to town after school.
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to preform something with great haste and furious determination
OMG that guy is going to town on that burrito
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