A bald child in a website that fucking loves chuck e cheese and gets grounded by boris the dad why the hell is he here
Goanimate calliou: I like chuck e cheese i will sneak there
Boris: OH O HO HO H OHOH HO H HOW DARE YUO SNEAK TO CHUCK E CHEESE DATS IT UR GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED FOR 54865190745709837098749793487493747934889237983274093793479082473-5487-53468937293789740378932739844237934747394798472879838479372837947283989702397389710971908797340970948193748471892364793095634719584798570791369420849739748793797489327594917493874879327893279838798482798157-74378902 YEARS GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!