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God's Country

Land so far out in the middle of nowhere that even the most basic artifacts of civilization are hard to come by.

Driver: "Ugh, that sign says 'Last Fuel for 250 miles', guess we better fill up!"
Passenger: "Yeah, welcome to God's Country"

by res3066 September 4, 2008

171👍 46👎

God's Country

noun 1. Used to denote one U.S. State's superiority over the rest.

Wisconsin is God's Country--what other State has cheese curds and Brett Favre?

by Luckster December 3, 2007

120👍 97👎

God's Country

Definitely not South Carolina. Definitely Georgia.

Friend 1: " Yeah, I was born in God's Country."
Friend 2; " I thought you were born in South Carolina."

by therealpinheadlarry May 31, 2018

13👍 18👎

God's Country

The Sutherland Shire in southern Sydney. Definately the best place to live.

guy 1: man, check out the beach! and you have the bush too!
guy 2: yeah, we really do live in God's Country in the Shire

by dan_shire October 17, 2009

39👍 85👎

God's Country

Referring to Lancashire, United Kingdom.

"I hear the chippy's are good in Lancashire"
"Aye God's Country you know"

by Moustache 37 August 30, 2019

2👍 15👎

god's country

Apparently, a country that has been blessed by God.

It's what Alabama isn't, despite the amount of people in Alabama named Cleatus who proclaim "THIS IS GOD'S COUNTRY!!!!" after drinking 20 beers and fucking their sister. If Alabama truly is "God's country", then he must have really fucked up.

Yes, because "God's country" is obviously a place full of rednecks who take a shower once a year, drink more beer in one day than the average alcoholic does in an entire week, watch NASCAR because seeing cars going around in circles at 200 miles an hour for 3 hours is REALLY EXCITING (apparently), read the entire Bible in one night, and hate black people (though they still call them niggers because they can't get over the fact that they lost the Civil War and that segregation was abolished).

by GOD DOMMIT FRONK February 2, 2009

76👍 180👎

the best god damn country in the entire world

the United States of America

I live in the best god damn country in the entire world

by nyoom_man November 1, 2017

6👍 19👎