The pelvic region of any S.H Monsterarts Godzilla figure, originally used by JobbytheHong.
Jobby: *spreads Godzilla’s legs* Beautiful spread, good ol’ Godzilla Grundle.
Godzilla Grundle is usually the place between the thighs and on the crotch area of any SHMonsterArts or NECA Godzilla figure. Term was (I think) originally used by JobbytheHong, popular figure reviewer.
Jobby: *Spreads Godzilla's legs* “Beautiful spread, Good ol Godzilla Grundle.”
The Godzilla grundle is usually a place on a Godzilla SH Monsterarts figure between the thighs, typically used by JobbytheHong.
Jobby: *spreads godzillas legs* beautiful Godzilla grundle.~