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Goh Jia You

A definite translation from chinese which is "Go fill more gas in your car".

Goh Jia You is a perfect person to be alive on this very planet earth. A person who always gather plans and is the only person who ditches every time in the group every outing. Goh pulls off tons of excuses when it comes to ditching plans especially during the very last minutes, (ex: I slept late, It's my brother's fault for not waking me up. etc.). Goh also tends say things like he would actually want to join an activity and at the same time also saying that, words are just words. In conclusion, Goh is an asshole.

My name is Goh Jia You and if caleb no go i no go.

Hi my name is Goh Jia You, my nickname is Ah LAI.

by CariChinaMan November 23, 2021