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Honky grass

A residential lawn or area of extremely well maintained grass that only white people put the time and money into caring for. The effort in lawncare outweighs the effort they put into their own wife or children. Typically associated with a pair of green stained, white, New Balance shoes and a riding mower with a light beer.

Damn, Mr. B's grass be green as a motha, he got that honky grass.

by WhitePeopling November 7, 2024

Grass Honky

Derogatory term for a white redneck located in a prairie/grassland

The grids get dangerous after dark; all the grass honkies start their migration home from the bar

"If America don't come 'round, we got to burn it down. You better get some guns, brother. The only thing the grass honky respects is a gun."

by Cornbread Fred June 22, 2023