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Greatest Hits

Not only a CD of an artist's supposed best material, but also a song by the Long Beach band Sublime, which is an under-rated and one of Sublime's greatest songs...to fans of Sublime of course

This man making money how I know
It won't be no man of me
In my bed I watch TV
I'm drunk by noon but that's ok
I'll be president someday
Light my cigarette and I think
that Bert Susanka made me drink
Load the box and I pump that shit
Got my Greatest Hits

by Jebus Kableezy July 10, 2005

20👍 7👎

Greatest Hits

A CD that is released under almost every bands name. It supposedly contains the band's best material and often has a DVD with concerts, videos, interviews and such. Sometimes also released under the album name of "The Best Of."

I did a search for albums entitled "Greatest Hits" on MTV.com, but the page never loaded because there were so many results.

by blah April 22, 2005

39👍 18👎

Cakin' Greatest Hits

When a person does something so gay, it instantly goes into the vault of Cakin' stuff that this person has done in the past that was so Cakin' they are now the stuff of legend

Last night Joe was so drunk, that he passed out on my couch and peed in his sleep. It was cakin' greatest hits; i was so pissed!

by BlackBerryJoose April 12, 2010

6👍 4👎

Nickelback Greatest Hits Album

Nickelback got together and created a CD of there best hits, unfortunately in the end this CD was released with 0 songs on it, as Nickelback has no great hits

smith: "did you get that Nickelback Greatest Hits Album yet?"
Johnson: "you mean the one with 0 songs on it, thats that shit, that Nickelback pays you to buy because it's that shit?"
smith: "yes that one"
Johnson: "yea i got it yesterday"

by T-Unit45 November 1, 2009

522👍 86👎

The Fallacy of The Eagles' Greatest Hits

One in which possession of an object or a shared interest -- e.g., the music of The Eagles or their Greatest Hits album -- fails to indicate any commonality, agreeability, or similar personality between two or more people. As in, just because you have a copy of Eagles' Greatest Hits and someone like Benito Mussolini does too doesn't make you the same type of guy. Coined by a music critic in an interview with VH1.

The Fallacy of The Eagle's Greatest Hits goes like this: Just because you have a copy of Eagles' Greatest Hits and someone like Benito Mussolini does too doesn't make you the same type of guy.

The fallacy of The Eagles' Greatest Hits is like that song, "Breakfast at Tiffany's." Two people have nothing in common but that guy is holding onto a chance with the girl because they both saw Breakfast at Tiffany's and she kinda liked it. Maybe she liked it but that doesn't make you compatible; it means nothing!

by I mean, yeah January 10, 2019