In 2016, when Russia and Republicans couldn't rig the Democrat Primary for Putin's Plan B, Bernie Sanders, professional loser Jill Stein offered Bernie Sanders her Green Party slot on the ballot. Other Berniecrats who have embraced the Putinist include Nina Turner, and various Squad members who say they support the Green New Deal, yet support Russian oligarchs and their Climate Changing petroleum. By taking China's side against TPP and pollution, these Bernie Bros revealed themselves once again to be Blue MAGA -- until indictments confirmed that they were never True Blue Democrats at all. Hence they became known as the Green Tea Party, or simply Green MAGA.
In more recent times, the Berniecrats' support of Putin and Trump resulted in the reversal of Roe V Wade, and AOC was among the first to adopt the Green garb of a cult group being run by Bob Akavian, using people's anger at Republicans' desire to rape and control women into a grift to take money AWAY from pro-choice groups.
"Why did AOC try to protest Nancy Pelosi over Green legislation that Pelosi has actually been an active proponent of for years?"
"What else would you expect from Green MAGA???"
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