Source Code

green zone

- Pronoun - Location - : The Green Zone is the area immediately around the Republican Palace in Central Baghdad where security is very tight and all occupants are screened for entry. This is the only place in the city where Westerners, (i.e. UK and the USA), can walk about the town unarmed and in relative safety from assassination, kidnapping, and car bombs.

This location has been the single most common usage of the term "Green Zone" since 2003. Before that, (and #2 today), it's common application referred to certain areas of International Airports. Although the official designation has been "International Zone" since June 2004, neither the media, internet, nor the occupants call it by anything other than "Green Zone".

I'm going to the cafe in the Green Zone tonight to get me some poonanny.

by --TBAS February 8, 2006

26👍 6👎

green zone

Safe public bathroom for emergency number 2s.

After eating 9 hard boiled eggs, I was in desperate need of a green zone at the mall.

by Scot makes brown February 2, 2006

5👍 23👎

Green Hill Zone

A tropical place with checkerboard with grass on it.

- The cake look like the ground from Green Hill Zone.

by stardust gear June 8, 2014

The Green Hill Zone

The Green Hill Zone is the most well known zone from the Sonic series. It is also a popular fan site. The GHZ is probably most assosiated as Sonic's home, probably because it is where his adventure begins in the very first game. The GHZ was resurrected as the Neo Green Hill Zone in Sonic Advance 1. It also has been in many fan games, fan comics, fan fictions, and basically almost everything else fanmade.

"I got the Chaos Emerald at the Green Hill Zone."

"One might call the Green Hill Zone a 'classic'"

by Otterdude November 13, 2007

14👍 2👎

Neo green hill zone

The one beach level in Sonic advance that is really fun to play!

I love sonic advance and my favorite level is neo green hill zone!

by KJ3DRAY October 24, 2020