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Ground Zero Mosque

An interfaith religious community center that is to be located two blocks away from Ground Zero. Some people think that the location is insensitive because it is a house of worship for Muslims and extremist Muslims attacked us on 9-11-01. Almost everyone who supports it is UN-American because they believe in freedom of religion for Muslims that haven't the slightest connection with Al-Qaeda.

Hey Bob, do you believe that the Ground Zero Mosque should be built? Hell no, its a victory for the terrorists.

by bbare89 September 26, 2010

275👍 48👎

Ground Zero Mosque

Reference to controversial plan to build a Mosque and "community center" in New York City, near the site of Ground Zero. The controversy and outrage comes from the 9/11 terrorist attacks involving Muslims and the victims' families still in mourning. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the plan, is either extremely insensitive to the 9/11 victims or a truly obscene terrorist sympathizer!

Many people were rightfully appalled when the Ground Zero Mosque received approval from the NYC building commission! Whether intentional or not, the location of Rauf's planned Mosque is really a bad idea.

by Charles_U_Farley August 21, 2010

937👍 377👎

Ground Zero Mosque

It is a little known fact that the Twin Towers each had their own Mosque inside that were destroyed in the 9/11 attacks, it would be appropriate to refer to either of these as a "Ground Zero Mosque"

The destruction of the Ground Zero Mosques would seem to suggest that the 9/11 terrorists were not real Muslims, but were in fact enemies of Islam.

by Mr.Juan-derful October 16, 2010

1084👍 871👎