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Ground floor movement

The ground floor movement seeks to start from scratch and remake society.
People in the movement believe that society is corrupt to the core. They seek to overthrow the governments of the world, and evacuate all the cities and move the people to collective farms in the country in order to bring an end to the present society. The people who ran the former society would be reeducated. And only all the worlds knowledge would be saved from the old society and used to build a new civilization and to avoid the mistakes of the old one. The new society would be socialist. There also would be no drug laws, and no age of consent laws or they would be set at 12.And all other laws would be abolished except those that are really necessary like laws against murder ect.

Support the ground floor movement.

by Judge dredd7 June 29, 2011

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Ground floor movement

A movement whose members believe that society is totally crupt to the core, and that the present society will have to be abolished and another one put together from screach.

They seek to overthrow at the nations of the world and evacuate all the people from the cities to the collectives farms in the country side. The all knowledge of the world will then be used to build a new civilization, and to avoid the mistakes of the old one. The people that run the world politicians, bankers, cops ect. will be reeducated at a reeducation camp.
The new society would be socialist. There would be no drug laws, or age of consent laws or it would be set at 12. And all nonneccessary laws would be abolished. In other words there would be no laws except for things like murder.

Support the ground floor movement.

by Judge dredd7 July 5, 2011

Ground floor movement

A movement that says that society is corrupt to it's very core.
It seeks to take over all the governments of the world and then have an evacuation of all the cities and where all the people are made to live in communal farms and work the land and the leaders of the former society would be reeducated. The only thing that would be saved from the former societies would be all the knowledge of the world which would be used to build a new civilization and to keep it from making all the mistakes of the old one.

The only laws that it would would be only the ones that would keep people form hurting or killing each other,like murder ect. There would be no laws against drugs or age of consent laws or they would be set at twelve ect.

In that society all the wealth would be given to everyone equally and society would be socialist.

Support the ground floor movement.

by Judge dredd7 June 2, 2011