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Gucci belt

A gucci belt is a belt by the popular name brand, Gucci. Gucci belts are usually worn to flex on others and assert your dominance/

Dang bro did you see Michael's Gucci Belt?

by rawrXd420yeetdab February 17, 2019

15👍 2👎

Gucci Belt

A Gucci belt is when you stick your balls above your waisteband exposed. Tucking your dick to either the left or the right, only balls are visible. The Gucci belt shows a sign of status, this is something everyone can flex.

Man, look at my Gucci belt.

by GTr for real August 12, 2018

59👍 16👎

Gucci Belt

Going into a store and buying the cheapest thing, from the most well known brand, with the biggest logo - right now this is a Gucci belt, a few years ago a Burberry check shirt. Usually done by someone that wants to make people think they have more money than they do - the person wants to flex their supposed wealth, but the message they send is more a desperation for approval and an indication they don't have enough money to buy other, more subtle, items from that brand.

Joe thinks that sweater is a flex but it's more a Gucci belt.

by nailer September 2, 2022

Gucci Belt

a fancy name for anal beads

guy 1: she got a gucci belt, if ya know what i mean, and wants to use it tonight
guy 2: sounds kinky

by Majesticbunny26 May 23, 2019

gucci belt

A slang term for penis and/or dick

When I saw her she went and put that booty on that Gucci belt.

by A Very Optimistic Guy July 13, 2017

23👍 35👎

Orion’s Gucci Belt

(n.) A wealthy neighborhood or region, named after what its spoiled children see when they spot Orion’s Belt in the sky.

The backyards in Orion's Gucci Belt may smell vaguely of George Bush's breath. It's an urban legend that the people who live in Orion's Gucci Belt root for financial crises and own large birds of prey that steal from the poor.

Person 1: "Wanna go to Chipotle?"
Person 2: "This is not the Rust Belt. This is Orion’s Gucci Belt. We feast at the Cheesecake Factory."

by nolandc September 27, 2019

1 Gucci Belt

When you put both your testicles above your paint waist where your belt buckle would go.

Would you like to see my 1 Gucci Belt ?

by Airplane830 November 6, 2019