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The same thing as h4x0rs, but some people spell it with two xx's. This means hacks, as mostley used in Counter Strike or other games.

that n00b got so pwned by those h4xx0rs!

by JsRf13 March 8, 2005

18👍 1👎


A person who is either experienced or new in the ways of hacking, cheating, or doing things his own way (Oftenly, this way the H4xx0r uses is considered morally wrong or low).

The term "h4xx0r" can be used in both a positive and negative way. Typically, calling someone a h4xx0r is in the negative sort. But some h4xx0rs take pride in being what they are, just like nerds.

H4xx0r, is basically a computer-experienced person's/gamer's way of calling someone a hacker.

If h4xx0r is spelt with one or two big X's, that is the final form of the word and the highest degree.

h4xx0r, h4xX0r, h4XX0r.

I've lost everything to that h4xx0r! He should learn to do things properly, because he is only ruining for other!

by Windy June 27, 2004

94👍 15👎


A hacker as defined by a geek using l337, a very good hacker...

Jim: OH, OH, PWNED BITCH..omg u suck ur so bad i OWNED you
Harry: shut the fuck up u fucking Haxx0R bitch

by NixonIsBack June 5, 2005

32👍 31👎