An old CGI animation, usually 144p with a dancing child or man wearing a green wife beater, and purple pants.
In the animation, he is clapping, jumping, and singing. Nobody knows much about the video, except who made it (Muhammad Ghaloum). It was uploaded to YouTube by user Tahloube S on March 4th, 2007. In the video, the only words are a children's song spoken in Arabic.
Bro, I just watched Hamood Habibi today.
25👍 4👎
Hamood, Hamood, Hamood, Hamood, Hamood a hembol Hamood Habibi
Hamood, Hamood Habibi.
How the malik salman refers to his gay sugar daddy.
ياحمود حبيبي تعال ساعدني خطيبي دونالد عصب علي إفركلي بطني hamood habibi
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