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An online independant gaming site dedicated to discussing, collecting and playing Heroclix, the highly popular Superhero miniatures game by Wizkids, which is notably cheaper than Games Workshop (WH40K), and with better production values than any other Superhero figure game presently on the market. HCRealms is the premier player independant discussion board, and is more popular with players than Wizkids own, somewhat sycophantic, site. Players use a combination of HCRealms and BattlePlanner to coordinate their involvement in Tournament Play. The HCRealms demograph varies from early teens through to aging gamers - with a fairly even spread across the age range. In keeping with gaming in general, the male / female ratio on the HCRealms boards is about 10:1.

HcRealms is the most active and vocal Heroclix fanbase on the web.
Often maligned by those neither creative nor intelligent enough to understand the enjoyable and addictive nature of the game. (see existing definitions)
Populated by people with high IQs (to understand the rules), above average incomes (in order to pay for all the figures), and lots of free time (due to already having the wife / girlefriend / boyfriend / husband / significant other that so many of their clubing and socialising contempories so noticibly lack.)

by H. Kenward May 30, 2008

108👍 50👎


Website devoted to The collectible miniatures game Hero Clix by Wizkids Games.

A large collection of cliquish fanboys and self righteous, ego stroking losers who spend all day thanking a corporation for taking their money in exchange for poorly made, developed and ridonkulously priced crap.

Questioning/criticizing Wizkids is a direct attack on members' egos, despite devoting at least one section toward the notion of criticism this behavior is not tolerated and group bullying is the staff's accepted response.

HCRealms is a great place to go to make your own fandom seem normal and healthy by comparison.
Remember: Wizkids prices are always reasonable and if you think otherwise you have the right to be ganged up on for saying so.

by Lig Na Baste November 30, 2007

83👍 140👎