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A group of TERRORISTS, thats right I said it, TERRORISTS, who launch rockets from schools and hospitals into Israel. They are NOT NOT NOT MILITANTS. In fact, Hezbollah does not reflect the beliefs of the majority of Lebanese citizens, and it is wrong to say that all Lebanese people act this way. The problem with this group, is that their attacks are launched from public places, and when others retaliate, they dont know where to do so without hurting civillians. HEZBOLLAH DOES THIS ON PURPOSE, and the sooner people figure that out, the sooner their reign will be terminated. They've hurt too many people to count, and destroyed too many lives. There. I described Hezbollah using no curse words, and given the circumstances, that's an accomplishment.

Hezbollah almost killed some great friends of mine this summer, and they must be stopped.

by Terrorist Fighter December 31, 2007

840πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž


Most ferocious segment of the Middle Eastern Quartet of Assassins. Funded by Iran, armed by Syria, and twinned with Hamas, Hezbollah is the optimum gang of IslamoFascists. It is heavily involved in the indiscriminate shooting of rockets and missiles into civilian populations in Israel, filled with ball bearings and nails to inflict the ultimate damage, playing hide-and-seek behind women and children, poppy cultivation in the Bekaa valley, drug dealing in Columbia, Peru and Afghanistan, sale of blood diamonds from Liberia, DRC and Sierra Leone, child prostitution and trafficking in Romania and the Philippines, gambling and money laundering in the Caribbean, arms smuggling in Gaza, the West Bank, Sri Lanka and Iraq, suicide bombings in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Israel, teenage indoctrination classes in Lebanon, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh, weapon and explosives training in Iran and Syria, counterfeit DVD, watches, jewelry and fashion production in the border triangle of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, film and photo manipulations in Lebanon, filming of goodbye videos of suicide bombers, and kidnappings, beheadings and hijackings worldwide.
Hezbollah’s self-proclaimed Fuhrer, Sheikh Nasrallah is also the chief assassin, though himself too scared to step into the open air, he is extremely convincing (his fans call him charismatic) to incite any Muslim, from heads of state to boys, especially little boys. His inciting speeches, which are famous for his profound sweating, are broadcast by all Arab and Western media who are ready and prepared to do anything, as long as it's nasty, blood-spattered, gory and sickening.
Good news is: Hezbollah is about to disappear, hit the daisies, pass on, lose its life, expire, breathe its last, meet its end, meet its death, lay down its life, perish, go the way of all flesh, go to its last resting place, go to meet its maker, cross the great divide, slip away, give up the ghost, kick the bucket, croak, buy it, turn up its toes, cash in its chips, bite the big one, check out, buy the farm, yeah, the Sheeba Farm.

Hezbollah, the hope for the Middle East, product of ultimate appeasement

by Max18 August 14, 2006

863πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž


Hezbollah - or the Party of God - is a powerful political and military organization in Lebanon made up mainly of Shia Muslims. It emerged with financial backing from Iran in the early 1980s and began a struggle to drive Israeli troops from Lebanon. Hostility to Israel has remained the party's defining platform since May 2000, when the last Israeli troops left Lebanon due in large part to the success of Hezbollah's military arm, the Islamic Resistance. Hezbollah's popularity peaked in the 2000s, but took a massive dent among pro-Western Lebanese people when it was at the center of a huge, destructive war with Israel following the capture of two Israeli soldiers in 2006. Hezbollah is the strongest member of Lebanon's pro-Syrian opposition bloc which has been pitted against the pro-Western government led by Saad Hariri. It has several seats in parliament and has ministers in a national unity government formed in late 2009. It also blocked the election of a new president by repeatedly boycotting sessions of parliament. The stalemate ended on 21 May 2008, when the group reached a deal with the government under which its power of veto was recognized.

Washington has long branded Hezbollah a terrorist organization and has accused it of destabilizing Lebanon in the wake of Syria's withdrawal of its troops from the country following the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. The movement long operated with neighboring Syria's blessing, protecting its interests in Lebanon and serving as a card for Damascus to play in its own confrontation with Israel over the occupation of the Golan Heights. Hezbollah leaders have continued to profess its support for Syria, while stressing Lebanese unity by arguing against "Western interference" in the country. As well as a political clout, Hezbollah has wide popular appeal by providing social services and health care. It also has an influential TV station, al-Manar. Hezbollah's biggest test came in mid-2006, when its fighters captured two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border attack, killing a number of others. The incident triggered a fierce month-long war with Israel, which ended in a ceasefire. Having survived a massive military onslaught, Hezbollah declared victory, enhancing its reputation among many in the Arab world.

by Dancing with Fire January 30, 2011

352πŸ‘ 767πŸ‘Ž


An organization of militant Shi'ite Muslims based in Lebanon.

Hezbollah is Arabic for "Party of Allah" or "Party of God."

by Dancing with Fire April 9, 2013

266πŸ‘ 745πŸ‘Ž


A mighty group of Lebanese/Arab militants that fight for the liberation of their people from the Israeli Zionist regime and its Western financiers. Many consider this group as well as Hamas and other similar forces to be β€œterrorist” groups, however this is far from the case. While these groups certainly do not have clean records, they are not actively funded by billions from Western governments to promote ethnic cleansing, neocolonialism, and apartheid. Hezbollah is the natural response of the Arab people to the suffering they are subjected to by the Zionist wing. Any rational person would show Hezbollah critical support for their fight against imperialism.

β€œHezbollah responded to the Israeli bombings of Lebanese hospitals and schools with an attack of its own.”

by navajojoe69 June 19, 2022

8πŸ‘ 293πŸ‘Ž


1. (noun) A group of psychotic and suicidal idiots who ran the south of our beautiful country into the ground. (Just like most terrorist groups seem to do)

2. (noun) A group of psychotic and suicidal idiots who claim to act in the name of "Allah" but should realize they are merely pawns of Iran and Syria, and serve no God other than Assad and Ahmadinejad. (Just like most terrorist groups seem to do)

3. (noun) A group of psychotic and suicidal idiots who brought the wrath of the Israeli military upon the rest of our beautiful country. (Just like most terrorist groups seem to do)

1. "Hey Mahmoud, have you been to the shores of Tyre recently?" . . . "No Ahmad, I haven't. At least here in Beirut I could feel like I am in Paris but if you go south these days it's like being under the Taliban!"

2. "Yasser, can you believe those suicide bombers claim to act in the name of Islam?!" . . . . "Yea just like Hezbollah claims to respresent the Lebanese people and act for our protection, what bull shit."

3. "Hey Ali, I was told that Hezbollah has been fucking with the Israelis in the south again." **BOOOM** (bombs start hitting beirut) "What the hell was that, Ali?!?!"
"Ahmad, just like every other arab milita or army has provoked the Israelis, they tear shit up! When will those idiots realize that to leave the Israelis alone is the best for ALL of us?!?!?!" **BOOOM** **BOOOOM**

by Ahmad from Lebanon September 10, 2006

816πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž


A whore-house located in southern Lebanon, where gay men with beards come to play with each over. For many years Hezbollah was blamed for polluting Lebanon with used dildos, and so, was forced to dispose of them by launching them into Israel.

This action was condemned by most of the world, mainly due low supply of fine-quality dildos left for UN officials. However, owner of Hezbollah (AKA Hassan Nasrallah), has reassured the media that a new shipment of stronger dildos is currently making it's way from Iran to Lebanon.

"Man! I'd love to pay a visit to Hezbollah!"

by D.Z. Harrison August 24, 2006

757πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž