Mobile sister of the police "Sting Operation", the "HIVE ('High-tech Intensive Virtual Espionage') Operation", also popularly known as "Gang Stalking", is characterized by limitless citizen drones sent out by the police to pose a hazardous encounter of generally disenfranchising interference to a totally random target, analogous to a stirred "hive" of hornets; presumably with the only goal of extrajudicial killing. Supported by all faculties of the cowardly, animalistic, mindless, hypocritical present US government. They have GPS-tracking and interference devices that rival past science fiction, and are as of yet not declassified to the general US public, but informally handled with the cooperation of quasi-citizens'-patrol-type plants against designated marks; most likely generally dispersed upon excuse to greater brutality immediately post-9/11. They are even audaciously conspicuous to the point of lacking any plausible deniability as well, motivated solely by brainlessness and brazen apishness.
"A HIVE Operation is nothing short of a FUBAR quagmire with the cops; and a pseudo-oligarchical general assault upon the American public. Badge or badger, you can't tell the difference. A dangerous covert precedent that cannot be tolerated."