Source Code

Hotness Factor

A numerical value assigned to a female which, on a scale of 1 to 10, reflects her level of hotness when taking into account her engagement in lesbian or bisexual activity.

The value is determined by first assigning the female a hotness value between 1 and 10, with 1 being the least hot and 10 being the most hot. Then, take that value and multiply it by the power equal to the sum of 1 + the number of females with whom she is engaging in lesbian or bisexual activity.

This value is useful in determining to what extent a female's hotness value is increased by simply performing sexual acts with other women. Practically, this formula is useful for a male to determine whether or not he would have sex with a woman or women whose hotness value(s) alone is/are not acceptable, but who is/are engaging or may engage in lesbian or bisexual activity.

In the examples below, assume that Sally and Brenda both have hotness values which meet my minimum threshold for sex without taking into account their hotness factor.

Example 1. Jane's hotness value is 3. I would not have sex with Jane alone. Now, Jane is going down on Sally. Take 3 to the power of 1 + 1, or 3 squared. Jane's HOTNESS FACTOR is 9. I would now have sex with Jane and Sally.

Example 2. Jane's hotness value is 2. I would not have sex with just Jane. Now, Jane is going down on Sally. Take 2 to the power of 1+1, or 2 squared. Jane's HOTNESS FACTOR is 4. I still would not have sex with Jane.

Example 3. Same facts as example 2, but now Brenda has joined Jane and Sally. Take 2 to the power of 1+2, or 2 cubed. Jane's HOTNESS FACTOR is now 8. I would have sex with Jane, Sally and Brenda.

by The_Melvin April 2, 2010

4👍 6👎

Internet hotness conversion factor

The process of using incorrect but more attractive stats on a dating profile in order to get more hits. This phrase was used by Lester on NBC's TV series, Chuck (Episode 214, "Chuck Versus the Suburbs"). The concept can also be seen in Brad Paisley's hit song "Online".

I'm 5'4" and weigh 425 pounds... but you should see the hits I get on eHarmony. With the internet hotness conversion factor, I'm now 6'5" and I have abs of steel.

by JessLewis March 17, 2009

21👍 5👎