Source Code

how ya doin

"how are you", "what's up"

Hey man how ya doin?

by Andrew November 28, 2004

116πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

how ya doin

Lukewarm un-sleazy pick-up line.

Hi. How ya doin?

by This is lame, ey? December 10, 2003

22πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

How ya doin’?

It is used as a greeting such as "How are you?"

Hey man, how ya doin’?

by RuCa June 26, 2015

how ya doin!

Outstanding, a phrase used when something is shocking in a good or pleasant manner.

Bob: "Ted hows the chicken?"
Ted: "How ya doin!"

Bill: "She was fine...I got her number...How ya Doin!"

by Lakeland Golf Team March 25, 2008

21πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

How Ya Doin'

A friendly greeting. If used too heavily, it may become quite a nuisance to both the user and the people who are forced to listen to it. Another side-effect is answering any and all questions or demands with the phrase. A case study found that if the phrase is depended on too greatly, it may become a song, or in some cases a rap. This phrase can also be given an extra amount of greatness by adding my genuine "uhpt" to the beginning or end of it. *WARNING* If you know someone who is using this phrase, it is probably best to tell him to get mental help. If he/she continues to say the phrase, your the listener will begin to use it. and eventually you will both spontaneously combust...Uhpt!

In this example we will use Jimme "Barf" Wotzen and his friend Adam Pardigo

Adam: "Sup dude, how have you been?"

Jimme: "Uhhpt, How ya doin'."

Adam: "Good, hows the family?"

Jimme: "How ya doin."

Adam: "What?"

Jimme: "How ya doin."

by The Original Uhpt February 9, 2012

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

how ya doin?

...doin pretty good?

how ya doin?
...doin pretty good?
that's good...

by ertsdgvhtythfdfsdregt October 15, 2008

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

hey, how ya doin

When a women holds and lightly rubs a man's erect penis without giving him a hand job, or causing him to ejaculate.

Last night sally and I were both kinda tired so she just gave me a hey, how ya doin instead of a full dog floggin

by Wha?! August 14, 2006

43πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž