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HSE High School

Shittiest school where everyone thinks they're so cool. Super white washed and racist and flat out fucking rude. You can't talk to a white popular girl without them taking a massive shit on you. Just being a younger age allows older bitches to make a fuck of you whenever the fuck they want.

HSE High School is so shitty!

by iloveindians6969 September 6, 2022

HSE High School

Hamilton Southeastern High School, located in Fishers, IN, is one of the largest high schools in Indiana with over 2800 students. Once a simple countryside school, it has grown so much over the past 2 decades, and has been populated with rich suburban white kids, many of which live in mansion homes along Geist lake. They act stupid, and often snotty, yet the school still has some of the highest test scores anywhere. There are less than 100 black students in the population and they all meet in the school commons at the very middle of the school during passing periods. The rest of the school is nothing but white, and half of them believe they're black-ghetto in a pathetic way. The students are living in a bubble, not quite understanding that most families cannot afford an excursion to Europe 5 times a year. Extra curriculars are amazing at the school, and the theater program is first rate.

EX1: Person 1: "Where do you go to school?" Person 2: "HSE." Person 1:"How much does your dad make?"
EX2: "The winner of (insert extra curricular) is HSE High School!"

by dushante March 15, 2012

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