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Jew hating Supporters of terrorism

The hamassholes protested for a ceasefire right after their terrorists slaughtered jews

by Amisraelchai January 18, 2024


Those useful
Idiots who tear down posters of hostages abducted by terorrists

James Simon what a hamasshole he is by tearing down posters of children abducted by Hamas

by Amisraelchai December 29, 2023


Anyone asking for ceasefire in gaza Anyone. Supporting Palestinians without many clue

The queers for Palestine are hamassholes as if they went to gaza they would be tossed off rooftops

by Amisraelchai December 27, 2023


Imbeciles who support Hamas based upon tic Tok knowledges

The queers for Palestine are hamassholes

by Amisraelchai December 27, 2023


Ignorant people who support a terroist group that put babies in ovens a cook them to death, rape and mutulate woman, and murder civilians. Also known as scumbags, ass holes, and fools.

The ignorant Hamassholes are disturbing law abiding people and terrorzing them on college campasses. Yes camp asses.

by Francisco the Honorable April 20, 2024

3👍 1👎


An uneducated, violent antisemite who spouts Hamas propaganda and rebrands Jew hatred as social justice.

Did you see that Hamassholes who blocked the Holland tunnel today? The white Hamasshole lady wearing a keffiyah told me that rape and beheading is justified because of the context of Israel. The hamasshole said that since Israel exists for the Jewish people, we must dismantle it from River to sea but they didn’t know which river or which sea.

by Lolozooro January 10, 2024


/'hamas hol/
(n) An uneducated, violent antisemite who spouts Hamas propaganda and rebrands Jew-hatred as social justice.

The Hamassholes were celebrating the rapes and murders of Israelis on Oct 7th

by Playaluver January 8, 2024