A quaint term used by the elder generation to denote frivolous activity which they find annoying. A staple of any fiesty grandparent's verbal repertoire.
"Jaime, Stacy, Pauly...knock off the happy horseshit!"
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"Happy horseshit" is a phrase that describes news releases, speeches and other official language often produced by public relations people that puts the best possible - if often unrealistic - spin on a particular subject. A great deal of happy horseshit is often served up at political rallies, awards ceremonies, and in government and corporate communications in general.
President Bush informed the nation that America was on course to achieve its objectives in Iraq, though most of the viewing public assumed the statement was happy horseshit.
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Noun: Sentimental nonsense. A way of thinking that is dominated by pleasant generalities. Official double-talk.
Giving valentine's day cards to all your fellow employees is just a lot of happy horseshit!
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Phrase usually preceded with "a bunch of" referring to any number of persons, incidents, conversations, speeches, etc...in an unfavorable way. A fun way to say "bullshit" or "full of shit" while also lending a nice visual.
Colts win Superbowl 41?!?! Well, isn't that just a bunch of Happy Horseshit!!!
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A term used to shorten other phrases like "What a day!" or "Fuckin' A"
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Phrase used to describe fluffy, Pollyanna-type things that have no value other than to make people feel good.
Who wants to read all this happy horseshit sunshine in the paper? Give me some real news.
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