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Happy Star

The best. The greatest goofiest character of them all. Just join his object show and he'll be your bestie fr.

Dandelogan: I don't really know what a happy star is, but Ricemarrow says its good please like this.

by Dandelogan August 28, 2022

Cowboy Happy Star

Happy star from Happy star's guide to object shows wearing a cowboy hat.

Happy star: I have a cowboy hat! Yeehaw! I'm cowboy happy star!

by Dandelogan October 5, 2022

Cowboy happy star

Sexual move in which the woman is riding the man and as he is about orgasm he bucks her off and hurriedly draws a cum star on the her stomach. Cowboy hat optional.

The sex was so good Josh performed Cowboy happy star and made a masterpiece on Sylvette’s stomach.

by nayr onibmag October 18, 2019

1👍 1👎

Five little happy stars

hey kid do you want a Weiner in your mouth? - sans undertale

guy 1:five little happy stars
sans undertale: hey kid do you want a weiner in your mouth?

by gayfaguwu August 29, 2023