Hasselbeck is a profane hip hop/dance song about "The View"s Elisabeth Hasselbeck. It is written and performed by Elephant, a Los Angeles-based band consisting solely of twin brothers Jackson Vrana and Coleman Vrana.
The song is very anti-Elisabeth, jabbing at not only her political views, but declaring her to be hypocritical, ignorant, and boastful of a life the musicians find to be far from resembling reality.
Elephant ended their show last night in Hollywood with Hasselbeck; it was funny as hell.
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Anything that is beffiting the traditional sense of masculinty, toughness, or persistance.
From the Seattle Seahawks quarterback Matt Hasselbeck. Especially his repersentation in the Playstation 2 game NFL Street where his ability to establish physical dominance is unmatched.
Also spelled hasselback
After being pinned by a boulder he cut his arm off with a dull pocket knife. That is extremely hasselbeck.
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Any act of masculinity that would leave men of ordinary testicular size quivering in fear like a little Chambers.
Dude, you chopped down that tree with your penis, that is quite Hasselbeck.
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Any act of masculinity that is just below a Arnold.
There is no way you can do 500 chicks at the same time, be a hasselbeck and only do like 300.
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(Also see HasselAss) A bonde, republican girl who co-hosts "the view." She also has a brain the size of a peanut. She also get's her facts wrong., and should be fired from "the view".
Person A: God I really hate that girl Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Her facts aren't even right!
Person B: Yeah, she even says Obama is a terrorist. What an idiot
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The crazy reality ex survivor who believes life starts at the time of penetration, and that there were weapons of mass destruction even after President Bush stated they didn't find any. Elisabeth hasselbeck the ABC blond bimbo for the republicant's went on tour with Sarah Palin when she was running for vice president and instead of making it about politics, made it about fashion.
Elisabeth hasselbeck the crazy bimbo who never voted prior to her job on the view now thinks she knows everything there is to know about politics, oh yeah because she watches fox news!!!!! Innit.
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A co-host of "The View". Often known for being a republican and getting in fights with Rosie O'Donnell.
Monica: "Elisabeth Hasselbeck is pretty, but sometimes annoying."
Kelly: "Yea, I kinda feel sorry for her."
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