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Have a good life

1. A final phrase used when you are departing paths from an individual that you will never see ever again in your life or theirs.

2. A casual and polite phrase used to express well-wishing for an individual's prospects and life in the period of time that you will not see them. Could be a day, could be a year, could be never again. There is no way to be sure.

Intern: I just finished my internship and wanted to thank you all for supporting me. I hope to be back next year :)

Co-worker: Thanks to you too! It was fun. Have a good life! Bye.

by KWoWWWW September 26, 2014

110👍 14👎

have a good life

Have a good life means go fuck your self

Say you got in to a fight and that persons says have a good life it means never ever talk to them again and fuck you

by billy frekan bob January 11, 2021

63👍 12👎