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a name for a female, someone who loves to run, and usually owns two large dogs

She's such a haviland

by HASPOW August 1, 2010

42👍 16👎


A really nice friend. Nice person.

Oh he is such a havilande, he's real cool.

by Skiaddict5123 January 27, 2008


The most prettiest girl in the entire school. She gets a lot of hate but it’s only jealousy. Dangerously pretty eyes she can be very funny at times but not always the nicest ! She will break your heart easily so be very careful with Haviland

Person : Haviland is was mean to me today

Person 2 : Don’t let the pretty face fool you !!

by Haviland 2 March 19, 2020

Pulling a Haviland

To run home while hammered. Typically used to avoid an expensive Uber during surge pricing.

Friend 1: "Did Jordan catch a cab home already?"
Friend 2: "Nah, he is pulling a Haviland, just took off."

by gilby10 April 18, 2017

boo boo haviland

started with a hairline now we here, typical 24 year old who tries to bang any minor in sight...not one that is often invited to parties...trades vapes and weed for pussy


by boo boo havAnita Dick January 30, 2018

Haviland Thin Mints

a chocolate-covered mint candy produced by Log House Foods of Plymouth, Minnesota

Haviland Thin Mints were briefly owned by Great American Brands (GAB), an investment group,4 who filed for bankruptcy in 1994

by SPrice1980 May 20, 2023

Haviland Thin Mints

Haviland Thin Mints are a chocolate-covered mint candy produced by Log House Foods of Plymouth, Minnesota. The candy is a mint fondant covered in dark chocolate, similar to the York Peppermint Pattie but smaller, thinner and shorter.

Haviland Thin Mints also come in flavors such as Raspberry Crème and Orange Crème

by SPrice1980 May 20, 2023