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The male version of PMS. When a male is being really bitchy and/or having mood swings.

Carl: Hey Steve, how was your day today

Steve: Fucking bullshit, my boss made me fax 20 sheets and i spilled coffee on my new Italian shoes. Also, my co-workers are so damn chirpy and so annoying and the computer was being a bitch and i'm sick of all this Recession shit and (continues bitching and moaning)

Carl: You got a real case of He-MS going, don't you?

Steve: Fuck you

by KingRahul February 3, 2011

28👍 9👎


1 the male equivalent of PMS
2 a state of irritability, moodiness, and occasional bloating that occurs only in men

"Man, what's up with Brad? He's wearing sweatpants and glaring at everyone."

"Oh yea he's just He-MSing, he couldn't zip up his jeans and has been cranky all week."

by Cole and Kim November 16, 2007

12👍 8👎

he ms

Male form of PMS. Occurs most often at that time of the month (rent is due, term paper due).

OMG watch out for Julian, he's got severe he ms.

by He ms November 1, 2007

7👍 5👎