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Healthcare Provider Munchausen syndrome by proxy

Healthcare Provider Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of patient abuse and psychological disorder of a doctor marked by attention-seeking behavior. The healthcare provider with HPMSP gains attention by seeking medical advice and direction from other providers and taking instructions from his handlers who are viewed as superior to him/her. The need for approval for their exaggerated or made-up symptoms of a patient entrusted in their care is the goal, even if they only have seen the patient one time. The doctor usually makes up fake symptoms (delusional disorder, paranoid,etc.) causes of real symptoms are never truthfully documented, are ignored which are usually due to Medical Human Trafficking of nonconsensual human experimentaton of Targeted Individuals. The doctor appears to the world as committed to her job and caring about her patients. When the truth is the healthcare provider's only interest in the patient is sitting back and enjoying watching the patient suffer and approval from his/her Handlers are what the HPMSP strives for and needs for their over inflated grandiose image of themselves. Doctors who suffer from this mental disorder usually rush to social media to slander the patient, violating the patients privacy rights and with the stroke of a pen enter an entire false narrative into the patients medical history.

Healthcare Provider Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Ms. Reid who is a victim on nonconsensual human experimention and Medical Human Trafficking requested a referral for a CT Scan. Dr. Grubbs is aware of the open secret that Ms. Reid is a Targeted Individual, yet Grubbs refuses the patient's request, and opts to try and medically gaslight and falsely document the patient as delusional. Immediately after their appointment Dr. Grubbs reaches out to #psychiatry and #primarycare providers on social media (violating HIPAA) painting herself as the hard working and caring provider, seeking the healthcare communities input on, “what do we do with patients whose brain is sick.” Grubbs makes herself appear as the caring suffering doctor and it pains her that she can’t help or heal her patient's sick brain. However, the patient's brain is illegally implanted with implants which the doctor is aware of and Dr. Grubbs terrorizes the patient behind closed doors.

by I Juana Be Free December 20, 2022