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The name of a heartfelt poem.

The name of poet cj's poetry in general.

The name of a poetry site.

Tunes from the heart by poet cj.

Poet cj made up the word 35 years ago.

tunes from the heart.

Tunes my heart sing.


Heartunes in my soul
I let them roll
I let them roll
Roll out on these lines
They are the sun
They'll always shine.

If my heartunes
Touch a soul
I'll be so glad
I let them roll
I'll be so glad
I let them roll.

1976 by poet cj

google heartunes
I am the celebrity of this word with over 1300 poems
typed into the heartunes site at poetry poem on the world wide web.

There is a heartunes site of my poetry at FACEBOOK

These heartunes will be here to read by my children.
Heartunes are professional help; I paid for these heartunes with my life.

Heartunes just come out of me somehow.

There are many heartunes I did not feel needed any editing.

My heartunes will go with me into the next life and beyond.

That poet cj sure writes some funny heartunes.

These heartunes are made of feel.

Heartunes do not have to be about real life, only real feelings.

In heartunes, I am a mermaid.

Let me write you one of my heartunes to cheer you up, okay?

by heartunes October 1, 2011

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