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The act of performing your best ever sexual endeavor: life-time high performance.

Truly an art: Heg-ART-y

Meaty Phil: Dude, I just got Hegarty all over that girl last night
Horacio: Wow, u Heg'd her good!!!

by DictionaryBill May 28, 2009

57👍 19👎


becareful of this breed in the anglophone world. Traditionnaly small, they will fake being your friend, so that one day they can kill you in your sleep and take all of your possessions away from you

Oh no, a hegarty stroke again, the billionaire's son is dead!

It's just what hegartys do boy!!!!!

by Bigdaddyissues January 10, 2021

1👍 3👎

Collin Hegarty

A big nonce who created the stupid maths homework website, HegartyMaths. What a hypocrite for using his own last name in his website name. He is the reason many kids get what is called the Hegarty Depression. He is the satan of many kids lives. He is also known as Mr Hegarty.

I got the Hegarty Depression because of Collin Hegarty and his stupid maths website

by Shanielle September 4, 2019

98👍 3👎

Hegarty Depression

When you get set math homework on Hegarty Maths and get so mad that you want to kys and can't be asked to do it anymore.

"Did you do the homework bro?"
"Nah, the Hegarty depression kicked in."

by Matt0909 November 12, 2018

90👍 3👎

Hegarty maths

Hell! Run by Collin hegarty and should be shut down immediately.

Guy1: bye got to do hegarty maths
Guy2: same my teacher set me 5 MORE TASKS BECAUSE I DONE THEM IN 1 MINUTE!!

by Hegarty maths hater April 6, 2019

31👍 2👎

Hegarty Maths

A website for learning that gives you brain cancer. Most maths teachers worship Collin Hegarty for creating a torture device. p̨l ea̵se, ̕m͟r ͠sm it҉h. h́e̢lp͢ m̢e ̕és̶c ape f҉rom͠ t͢h͘e dar̀knes͝s̵

Teacher 1: Hey, did you hear about Hegarty Maths?
Teacher 2: Yeah! It's amazing and the children love it

by spoon spoon February 2, 2021

declan hegarty

A guy whos freinds with elijah binkleston and is a chad pimp who gets all the girls but they tell him they would date him if he was taller. Example: SIkshya gorllia and ana maricuo and CHAN RAN. Declan is a cool boy

HEy is that declan hegarty? yea hes so hot

by Declano5 March 28, 2022