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her time

that time of the month

Did you hit it last night? Nah dude, it's "her time".

by Amie February 11, 2003

14👍 5👎

Worth her time

When a slightly charming man gives his shoulder To a beautiful woman to cry on because her miserable New York Giants are getting shit on by the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots on Thursday night football.

The bouncer is definitely worth her time and she should 120% let him buy her bday drinks while watching football

by Ryanalfin October 8, 2019

give her the time

to have sex, an obviously articulate male's way of putting it. Originated in The Catcher in the Rye.

How'd your date go last night man?
Awesome, we drove up to lookout point and i gave her the time in the back seat.

by lauren February 22, 2005

237👍 78👎

tap her an extra time for me

wordtap/word her real hard as a favor for me.

tap her an extra time for me

by Anonymous January 15, 2003

14👍 12👎