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The feminist movement has sought for years to address the imbalance present in a hierarchical, i.e. male-dominated, society. Recognition of female members of society has been progressing for many years, however it is a long, slow road.
Some radical feminists were too eager for change and believed that words that included male identifiers should be revised to include female identifiers. Although "chairman"and "spokesman" were easily dealt with (becoming "chairperson" and "spokesperson" respectively) others were not.

Some were believed to be male identifiers but, in fact, were not. One of the most notable was the "his" in "history", which was changed to "herstory". Yet others were selectively ignored for reasons best known to the activists; their omission paints a picture of the mental state of some revisionists. They include "hissy fit" and "histrionics", and such blind selectivity is now known as "herstrionics" and "hersy fits".

She gave way to a bout of herstrionics by insisting that we refer to Manchester as Personchester, and that the change was persondatory.

by notavictim May 18, 2019