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Higga Nigga

A person, who loves the baby sitter of One Direction, Paul higgins. He is awesome, and is especially loved by tumblr girls. and are therefore known as a higga nigga.

"P.Higz represent!".."ahhh you must be a higga nigga!"
"i love dj pauly higgins" "you must be a fellow higga nigga"

by Paulyyyyyyyyy April 30, 2012

15👍 4👎

nigga higga

A person of any race prentending to be another. (usually male) can be pretending to be more than one,or just too stupid to tell the difference.

white male: yo whats up essay

hispanic male: dude your white as hell i know your not hispanic

WM:i know i'm black.

hm:your a hopeless nigga higga.

by isthereanyusablescreenname July 8, 2010

7👍 16👎


a white person pretending are a nigga (usually male)

ray: yo i ain't white i'm a nigga

Joe: no your a nigga-higga

ray:ain't it the same thang?

joe: dumbass

by dragon_fruit July 7, 2010

5👍 17👎