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High School Colorguard (Marching Band)

1. Auxiliary
2. uses Flags most often to express band's song/show theme with colors/shapes along with some genres of dance/acting along with manipulating their equipment.
3. in equipment, may use rifle and/or sabre and sometimes the guard may spin non-equipment props or other unusual equipment such as an "airblade..."
4. helps the band earn more GE points (General Effect points from GE judge)

BOB: I hate the band's guard(High School Colorguard (Marching Band)), they look so silly!

BOBBY: Maybe YOUR BAND'S GUARD, but ours look like they are WORLD CLASS A. That's because your band's guard is 100% beginners.

BOB: How can you tell? All they do is nothing special...

BOBBY: *shows Bob a video of a popular Independent/Open/World A group winterguard*

BOB: Woah! that's not bad!

by All I want is PEACE. December 24, 2011

13👍 2👎

High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 3

Ex.: Guards (and sometimes along their bands) are ranked in CLASS (sometimes NOVICE{this is not a usual class name used for beginners and may not be official for beginner guards}, SCHOLASTIC, INDEPENDENT, OPEN, WORLD), with numbers (roman numerals I, II, or III) or sometimes letters (A, AA, or AAA).
The classes are ordered so awards are given to various guard/band sizes and sometimes performance difficulty.
Not all bands/guards reach the same level.
Ex.: If you compare one of the best high school marching bands and guards in Japan along with some average high school marching bands and guards in the United States...
6. Not everybody has to be skinny/slim for guard... you just need to have some body control and muscle. Some guards do require body limits but that's just them. NOT ALL GUARDS DO THAT!
Our school's cheerleaders aren't all perfectly slim and fit but I believe all of them are awesome cheerleaders because they work hard at something they enjoy. Same with other activities...

High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 3 Ex.

With the wooden mock rifles/plastic mock rifles or "rifles," their weights can range from 3-7 pounds. The sizes can range from 28" to 39" or even 40"!
Sizes and weights of them can be determined by the users/director's/instructor's needs for rifle speed, skill level usage, appearance, ...

Sabres can come in different sizes and weights but are usually the lightest of the equipment used. For varying skill levels or movements, the sabre can be a bit hard to control and maybe for this reason, it is used commonly for the "graceful" or ballad parts of a performance.

Other equipment such as those "diary key-rifles" or "airblades"... those are special but weird too...

BOB: okay....................

by All I want is PEACE. December 24, 2011

3👍 5👎

High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 2

Some "sports" actually work very hard and kick butt while others may just stand around doing silly things... DEPENDS. ON. CLASS!!!
guard is guard. it does not matter whether you hate it or if you hate the hater of it. you can only truly know what it is if you had experience, but not all experiences have the same conditions. so SHUT UP EVERYONE imma guard kid and i love it and we have to run at least a mile every practice and that's only a small fraction for warm ups. NOT ALL GUARDS DO THIS SO GET THIS IN YOUR HEADS THAT YOU CANNOT BE A PROPER JUDGE OF WHAT ONE GUARD DOES OUT OF MANY unless you are a qualified guard judge... then i'm honored you are reading this! :3
But still, it. depends. on. LEVEL!

High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 2 Ex.s

BOBBY: *shows Bob the guy that tosses a 7 with his rifle while sitting*

BOB: so what? aren't those things paper weight?

BOBBY: In order for the equipment to be allowed or qualify to be standardized(guards have to spin standardized equipment for a certain amount of time to avoid penalties and can add other things for more GE), they have to weigh a certain amount. The poles and silks or "flags" have to be top heavy and have some weight at the bottom. Some flags have actual specifically measured weights as most people put washers and bolts at each end. This ensures that the flags, when tossed, don't go flying in outer space. This also keeps the flags in motion while tossed. Flags used can be SUPER GIANT or extremely tiny.

by All I want is PEACE. December 24, 2011

2👍 3👎

High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 4

If you have some grace and musical talent(not all guards have this, but ours do and 80% of us play all sorts of musical instruments{most are 1st-3rd out of 5 or more chairs in Concert/Symphonic Band/Choir/Orchestra/Guitar class in their section or have ability to be in more than two instrument sections} and WE GOT RHYTHM AND EXPRESSION like no one's business... kinda required from everyone...lol) then good for your guard.
WE ARE NOT CHEERLEADERS/TWIRLERS. In order for our school's cheerleading team to "look" good while performing, they need to have certain and various amounts of body control, balance, muscle, body awareness, timing, and smiles. These are not hard once you get them down but these are NOT EASY either. NOT ALL GUARDS HAVE THIS but ours do- according to this at some level, we get along with the cheerleaders and we appreciate each other.
Twirlers... I have no exact idea who they are so i can't judge them...
All i know is that twirlers twirl.
7. guard or CG (colorguard)

High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 4

Examples are finished in Definition parts one through 3.

by All I want is PEACE. December 24, 2011