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The state I am in now. For the 5 people who have never gotten high, I will try to explain it. at first, before you are really high, you become really giddy and will laugh at the slightest thing. you also may remember random things and pointlessly share them. When you are high, it feels very much like your dreaming. when you are sober, it may be hard to remember wut happened when you were high, much like how its hard to remember a dream after you wake up. when you are high, your vision gets messed up. some people compare it to watching your vision in a movie theater. for example, if you turned on your tv while high, it may seem like you are sitting in a movie theater watching a movie of yourself turning on a tv in the first person. also, you see things in a different perspective. if you are high enough, your own house can seem completely different! music is also heard in a different perspective. it can seem like the music surrounds you. I like to describe it as being "in the music". Different music can have different effects on you. old school rock can make you trip out or go crazy. rap can make you freestyle better than you ever thought possible. techno can actually sound cool. your balance and coordination are afffected when you are high. you frequently move around and almost fall if you're high enough. simple tasks (like typing this) can be a lot harder when you're high. also watching things can be different, particulary animated things. I strongly recomend watchin the animatrix while high to find out what im talkin about. i tried my best to explain being high, but really the only way to understand it is to get high yourself. so, for you five who have never gotten high, go get lots of weed and smoke it now! Note: once you've been smoking weed for a while, it can be very hard to achieve the state i described.

i took one hit of that dro out of the gravity bong and i was high!

by deee May 19, 2004

12651πŸ‘ 2417πŸ‘Ž


πŸ”₯ To be emotionally uplifted..enjoying what the CANNABIS has revealedπŸ”₯πŸ’¨

πŸ”₯ A creative way of spelling HiGH man....
πŸ”₯ In the word HiGH the i is lowered because when I'm HiGH my eyes are lowered.

πŸ”₯ When I'm HiGH my i's(eyes) are lowered

πŸ”₯ HiGH

by ClassicRonnie July 2, 2019

401πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


The feeling you get after smoking sweet, sweet Mary Jane. Vaporizers, joints, blunts, bowls, bongs -- it don't matter, 'cause we're high! It's hard to explain if you've never tried weed before, but here it is:

1. Voice
Before it really sinks in, everything's just really funny; you're high, they're high, and somehow, that's really funny. Words that never seemed humorous are suddenly the shit and words that never made sense together now make perfect sense. Forgetting things is frequent; you'll be mid-sentence, forget the sentence, struggle to remember, forget that you were trying to remember something, then make a whole new sentence.
Some people talk louder without realizing it when they're high; others get quieter.

2. Hearing
Music sounds amazing; like it's all around you, coming at you from all directions. Almost like a movie theater. You're so out of it you even think YOU sound good singing.

3. Vision
Things may look almost holographic, like they're popping out at you. That's probably because your eyes are mad big. People seem to look a lot hotter than before, and you may also feel like people are watching you.. Trust me, they are.

4. Taste
If you're high at all, you'll be hungry. Try not to go too insane -- you'll regret it when you're sober. One thing I noticed is that everything tastes 1000000x better; stronger, I guess.

5. Touch
You're incredibly self-aware; you have this warm feeling of security all around you. Cold things may not feel cold or hot things may not feel hot.

6. Behavior
People who are normally not affectionate are suddenly all over each other. Stoner hugs are commonplace. You might have deep thoughts or you might think total nonsense. You're often incredibly gullible, which makes it ridiculously easy to trip someone out. Some people have mood swings when they're high; they'll get paranoid or throw a hissy fit over random shit.

7. Balance/Coordination
There really isn't any. Holding onto other people isn't just for the affection but to stay off your ass. The ground often feels tilted to the right or left, or the world may seem to spin around you.

8. Memory
None of that, either. You'll often leave stuff places and forget where you put it, or think you left something somewhere when it's actually in your hand. It may be hard to remember what you did when you were high once you've sobered up.

9. General Feeling
A feeling of content bliss. Time passes really slowly and that's just the way you like it. Nothing can possibly go wrong. You really don't give a damn what's going on around you; the feeling's all encompassing. Zombie invasion? Okay, then. Terrorist bomb? That's great. Apocalypse? Not today, 'cause God loves you tokers!

Some other terms are; baked, toked, stoned

I'm so high right now; I smoked three joints.

by Alii Adrenaline<3 December 30, 2009

282πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


You know your *high* when you exhibit the following characteristics:

1. you laugh uncontrollably because you realize how high you are and how high everyone else is and how everything else you wouldn't give a second thought about when your sober is now compltely ridicoulous.
2. your vision gets really sensitive and your eyes may feel like they're messed up. don't worry, thats just pressure being relieve from them caused by an excess of blood flow to the cornea and conjuctiva.
3. you find yourself thinking about something deeply introspective (metacognition) and then completely forget what you were thinking about, then spend all your mental energy on trying to remember what you were thinking about, only for you to forget that you were trying to remember something you forgot about and just start to think about something completley different.
4. your sexual desire will increase, and you will talk to anything that you want to engages in sexual intercourse with, with complete disregard for what your actually saying. if you do engage in a sexual act you will find that it will be incredible and every sensation you feel will be better by an exponential margin.
5. music sounds amazing. you will hear every single instrument used, without really listening to it. certain genres of music and certain musicians will make your high feel elevated. music will put your mind into a pensive and contemplative state and you can spend hours engaged in this activity.
6. your apetite will increase and you will find that every piece of food you consume tastes ridiculously amazing. you will not realize how much food you consume until someone tells you that you ate the entire bag of cheetohs, at which point you will look for a bag of doritos or fun-yuns
7. you will aprecciate everything around you and a state of absolute euphoria will encompass your psychological activity. Stress and worry will be reduced by a large amount.
8. confusion sets in and you will find yourself baffled at very elementary problems. (Note** never do you homework or attempt to take a test under the influence of marijuana)

heres a tip: get your group of your best friends and some weed over to your back yard. turn on some pink floyd or bone thugs-n-harmony. roll a blunt, (cigar sized marijuana cigarette) pass it around, relax and enjoy the good time your spending with your friends.

"I'm so *high* right now."

by t-baggs March 8, 2006

3796πŸ‘ 1045πŸ‘Ž


the most amazing feeling in the world. the first couple times you smoke, you almost feel like you're in a dream, watching the world go on around you. things also seem to be going in slow motion. when you're high, every little thing will seem funny, and you'll laugh till your stomach hurts. even at things that aren't meant to be funny, like someone saying their dog got run over by a tractor. you're eyes get real red and squinty, so make sure you keep a bottle of rhotos or visine on you. you also have th appetite of a wild animal, and you'll eat everything in sight. those munchies never fail. when you're high, you come up with ideas that seem amazing at the time, but then you don't remember them when you're not high. i'm really high right now. all in all, weed is godly.

damn dude, i'm so high. i feel like i could eat an antelope.

by letsparty217 February 24, 2009

112πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


High, it's pretty simple but with several twists and turns. Already, you can tell I am high and that is why I begin this with complete nonsense. However, high is when the most unrealistic things that occur seem completely real, and the real seems compltely unrealistic. At times, while being high some sort of an invention, great idea can be thought of and make you feel as if it will make you millions one day. Not only do you think of some crazy ideas, but you are able to tell the deepest and most intense lies and feel as if everyone believes you. Food, oh let me tell you about food. Every sort of combination seems unbearable as if it is an orgasm in your mouth. Nothing can compare to the sweet satisfaction of the taste of food. Cravings errupt and you feel as if you need to meet them. Being high at a party usually has its up and downs. Downside is when being high alone or with someone else, you may feel out of place and as if you are not even invloved. But as a group, being high at a party is an ultimate adventure/climax with unforgettable memories. The best though, when high, you laugh at the most rediculous things. Then people may stare at you, and knowing you are laughing so much because you are high, you may laugh even harder causing a tremendous awkwardness. Before it is all over, the second your head touches a pillow, you are completely passed out. It may be one of the best sleeps you have had in a long time too.

Being high is the feeling after you smoke weed (marijuana).

by Leprechaun on Fire August 28, 2009

99πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


At first you get a little light headed
then you start to feel warm and cozy and your eyes go fuzzy with your eyelids feeling heavier than usual.
you will laugh at random things that are normally not funny and everything you eat will be the tastiest thing ever.
You will have no concept of being full and you will end up eating a whole box of cheerios with out even realising you had them in the first place.

Time slows down and every movement sends waves of heat over you. You will speak slower and forget words halfway through saying them. You will never find anything so comfy as what you are sitting in while high.
If you fall asleep when high, when you wake up you will feel so great.

In short, heaven is probably in the clouds because everyone is baked up there.

Man im so high right now, i can see that flys wings moving

by Smokey.D June 10, 2010