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The creater behind the Pécsibikák videos and photos. He is one of the most well known member of the Pécsibikák celebrity group. This guy is a famous party goer, well known from his signiture dance moves and him always wearing sunglasses even though its dark outside. His party going skills are known all over the world.

Girl 1: Hey Girly! Do you see that incredibly handsome blond tall guy in sunglasses over there?

Girl 2: Yeaaaaah OMG SLAAAAY he is so goodlooking, I think I have heard of him. He is HISI.

by Aristotle12345678 August 7, 2023



Acronym for "how I shot it". (1) a phrase that encapsulates the behind-the-scenes process of creating a striking image, (2) precedes the photographer's explanation of their use of lighting, composition, posing, and post-processing techniques.

Have you every looked at a stunning photograph and wondered "how did they capture that moment?" Ed, Photographer, explains in his HISI on the specific techniques and choices he made to produce this artwork.

by Izzy808 August 4, 2023