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Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

The sword technique developed by the first Hiko Seijiro used to protect the people from tyranny and national fear. This technique is famed for the user's incredible speed; speed of the sword, speed of reading the opponent's moves, speed of reacting towards it. Passed down through thirteen generations, this style roughly translates as "the sword which soars through heaven" and was discontinued when a certain red-headed vagabond mastered it...

Kenshin rocks. End of story.

by Allegro February 29, 2004

97👍 12👎

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

The sword style of Kenshin Himura. Described in the Anime series (English dub) as "The super-sonic sword". The practitioner can anticipate the moves of an opponent based on intent and react before a move is made. Shortened in the (English dub) Anime to just "Hiten Mitsurugi".

His speed was no match for the legendary Hiten Mitsurugi style

by Desdecardo February 3, 2004

40👍 16👎

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

A sword art that involves both physical and metal fortitude. It involves a form a batto-jutsu as well as iaijutsu in the movements of the sword

Dont make me perform that Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu on your ass!

by wouldnt you like to know! October 9, 2003

36👍 20👎

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu is the best technique drawing the sword to attack your opponent. It is the way of attacking from the combination of your heart and sword. Even though your opponents stronger than you…you will always surpass him will this sacred style. This is Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Style.

Kuzuryusen and Amakakeru Ryunohirameki

by Kawi Himura February 18, 2004

36👍 20👎

hiten mitsurugi ryu

The hiten mitsurugi ryu is a Ryu made by the 1st Seujiro Hiko to protect the weak from opression. It is a style that requires Shin Soku( God-like speed) and the will to live and nothing with guilt. The Amakakeru Ryu No hirameki is the succession technique.
The attacks from strongest to weakest.
Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki
Kuzu Ryu Sen
Ryu Tsui sen Zan
So Ryu Sen
Ryu Kan Sen Kogarashi
Ryu Tsui sen
Ryu So sen Garami
Ryu So Sen
Ryu Kan Sen Arashi
Ryu Shou Sen
Ryu Kan Sen
Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji

The Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu is taught by the Seuijiro Hiko's and is the ultimate style

by Comz May 2, 2004

192👍 73👎